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Hundreds of independent truckers have been backing up traffic on local freeways for hours all day, outraged over AB5 — the California labor law requiring gig-workers to be considered employees. Court challenges have failed to hold off ab5 in the trucking industry and now, more than 70- thousand independent truckers throughout California could soon be...
Am 7.7.2022 haben in ganz Deutschland Landwirte und Bauern Solidarität gegenüber den Holländischen Landwirtschaftlichen Kollegen gezeigt in dem auch sie Bundesstraßen und Autobahnen Zubringer Blockierten. Mit diesem Video möchte ich meinen Beitrag leisten den ohne die Landwirtschaft egal in welchem Land auch immer läuft nichts. 💚Ein ganz Großes Danke geht an alle Landwirte/ Bauern...
In a world where there are no guarantees we will see tomorrow’s sunrise, what is our hope? In today’s episode, Pastor Jack reminds us that the hope God gives is an anchor for the soul, because God is faithful. This Real Life TV program is taken from a recent teaching by Pastor Jack. It...
Host Bobby G and Co- host OLV speak with Alonzo Ramiro and Jason Baugh from Local 63 Teamsters Union. Alonzo Ramiro explains why he’s running against Randy Cammack , and why change is a good thing and more. source
Electrification and hydrogen are clearly the ways of the future for motor carriers seeking to shrink their carbon footprint, but lost in all the excitement and innovation in battery electrics and hydrogen fuel cells is a very much here-and-now solution that's been around for generations: natural gas. Fleets bemoaning the current cost of diesel...
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